Thursday 30 June 2011

Heart Drops - 4

The Blessed Moment given to us by our Beloved ANIRUDDHA on:-


|| Om Manasamarthyadata Shree Aniruddhaya Namah ||

WHEN ‘MY ANIRUDDHA’ STANDS….Water also has to change its flow !!!
- by Abhisheksinh Shah.

Our Beloved BAPU has time & again taught us that “THEY” (i.e. P.P.ANIRUDDHA BAPU-NANDAAI-SUCHITDADA) are always “ONE”. 

The same is substantiated by the Experience we have had. In the month of February, 2011 we had come to the clinic of our P.P. Suchitdada at Happy Home to ask for ‘HIS’ permission as we intended to make a family trip to Kashmir in the month of May, 2011. I remember that day, when we went inside and my mother Pratikshaveera Shah asked ‘DADA’ if we can go to Kashmir. (a place which is still considered dangerous to an extent of the recurring terrorist attacks).

Our ever smiling “P.P. SUCHITDADA” said in a split second ‘Sure go ahead’. ‘HE’ then quickly added that “Aap jayenge toh Extremist bhi bhaag jayenge”. We all shared a good laugh unknowingly that what it meant for us. As such “DADA” has a great sense of humour and so we thought it was just a joke. Later we left from there after seeking ‘HIS’ Blessings.

We (my parents & my wife) reached Srinagar on 24th May, 2011. Coming in a joint tour, directly from the airport we were transferred to the Houseboat situated on the famous ‘Dal Lake’ through the Shikara. We had to take a ride of about 15 minutes in the Shikara to reach a common place where food was served to all the people in the tour. I was wearing my favourite T-Shirt which has a printed photograph of our ‘Beloved BAPU’ on it. After alighting, I was walking on a narrow track wherein I met some stranger who passed by me (in a hurry) and greeted me saying “Hari Om” & I acknowledged him back. I was so glad that my BAPU’s shows HIS presence even at such places. We passed by & later I did not see him for the next two days of our stay.

On the next day we had to leave for ‘Sonmarg’ as a part of our sight-seeing. The group people had their common bus, but we had booked a personal Innova so were travelling in it. That same day we returned back from Sonmarg earlier in the late evening (earlier then the group people) & were shocked to find out that there was a heavy storm with thunderous rainfall just 2 hours back and so no Shikaras were operating as it was very windy and it’s unsafe to travel that way. We could not believe that when we had left in the morning it was very hot & suddenly in the evening it had become very cloudy and windy which normally does not happen in the month of May.

We waited in our car for 45 minutes wondering & praying to BAPU about how we will reach our Houseboat. There were No Shikaras operating & all were stationed at the bay. With BAPU’s Grace my father Bharatsinh Shah, somehow managed to convince one who got ready to come. All the head roofs of all the boats (shikaras) were removed because even a little breeze can topple it upside down. We all were very tired as we had a long drive which consisted of 200 kms to & fro. Also we did not carry any jackets or were wearing any warm clothes as the weather was sunny and we did not expect something like this would happen.

It was informed to us that first we need to have dinner and then only proceed to our Houseboat. As the storm had occurred the lights had gone-off and it was pitch dark all around. One could only see a few lights here & there as only certain generators were on. We got into a shikara (all four of us) plus the two Shikara Riders one in the front and other behind riding us to the dining hall. It was a small ride of 15 mins but it was strangely weird. Those fifteen minutes seemed liked never-ending. Just the day before, we had an enjoyable & a pleasant Shikara ride for like more than 2 hours. At those times it was only one rider who was riding from the back of the boat. But as it was very risky & to maintain the stability, two riders were needed to sail us through, so in all we were six of us on one Shikara.  

It was chilling cold, we were kind of shivering and all the time there was this fear as the riders had told us that about 4-5 shikaras were turned upside down as the storm had strike suddenly. Nobody was killed; all were rescued but still…..if one falls they could be saved but there is a grim possibility that their personal and expensive belongings i.e. cell phones, purses, jewellery etc. can be recovered too. The Dal Lake is somewhere around 15-20 feet deep. The riders added that the water level had also gone up from the normal because of the heavy & sudden rainfall. 

We all were constantly praying to BAPU. I was also playing the “Shree Aniruddha Gurukshetram mantra” on my cell continuously and doing Namasmaran of our Beloved BAPU. That was “the Only” assistance which made us feel safe.  

We somehow reached the place and finished dinner and then again we had to travel to the houseboat. That was a longer ride like 25 minutes. Again the riders had to sail slow & now it had become more cold and windy. We could even see the water at very close levels to the boat. My wife Poojaveera Shah & my mother were also continuously reciting our “Aniruddha Gayartri Mantra”. Everytime the Shikara shook it was like really scary. But I must add that we all were incessantly praying and so we felt a gentle feeling of ‘Balance’ being maintained at the times when heavy winds blew. There was no talk, just silent Prayers from the bottom of our Hearts. It was like our BAPU was with us and taking care that we feel safe and making sure that we reach safely. There was hardly any shikaras insight. That’s the reason why I say that when ‘My ANIRUDDHA’ stands……Water also has to change its flow !!!       
Once we reached to the houseboat, we felt a sense of security and we know that ‘Only HE’ is the One who can prove it you that “HE IS WITH YOU”. Love you so much My BAPU-AAI-DADA.

Later, all four of us were sitting in the dim light of the houseboat and conversing about what type of experience we all felt. At that very moment I recalled the statement spoken by “P.P.Suchitdada” (“Aap jayenge toh Extremist bhi bhaag jayenge”). If we read between the lines – the dictionary meaning of – Extreme is - very violent or strong; not ordinary or usual”. In our situation it was the ‘Heavy Winds’ & ‘Storm’ which is rare in this season as mentioned by the locals.  

That was the case, it portrays that how much “THEY” Love us. “THEY” are with us, for us & by us even before we reach any destination in this world. Hence, I say that we should always continue to have ‘Unconditional LOVE & FAITH’ in “THEM” & that ‘only’ can change our lives for good. -  ANIRUDDHA FOREVER.  

A song for My BAPU….from my Heart Drops !!!
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