Monday, 20 June 2011

GuruPournima 2011

(By Dr. Yogindrasinh Joshi)

SADGURU gives us that DYAN which tells us which ASTRA or weapon should be used in which battle or fight. We know that we cannot make perfect decision or UCHIT decision at UCHIT time on our own. SADGURU helps us to take this decision and that is HIS KRUPA (GRACE).

GURUPOORNIMA is one such day where we have to remember the debt of SADGURU (GURU-RUNA) in our life. He will be successful who will maximum times remember HIS RUNA in our life.

SADGURU is the ultimate TATVA in the entire UNIVERSE. Everyone can accompany you till your dead body is put on fire. HE is the “Only One” who accompanies you in every moment even after your death & till your next birth. GURU is the one who converts the darkness into the LIGHT.

There is always duality or fight between two things in our mind. We can’t take proper decision, so GURU TEJA makes us enable to take the right decision and achieve Victory. SADGURUTVA is ANIRUDDHATVA and ANIRUDDHA is SADGURU only.

ANIRUDDHA means no one at no time and at no place can stop from doing anything.


On GURU POORNIMA day SADGURU makes His DARSHAN so light and mild that we common men can easily accept that. HE makes power of HIS GURUTEJA so that we can easily bear that with our eyes directly.

When we do JAP, our mind is not concentrated on HIM exactly. Different thoughts peep inside or different tensions take away our concentration. But when we take HIS DARSHAN on GURUPOORNIMA whenever we will sit for JAP, the same Photo of HIM, will be fixed in front of our eyes there after.
Hari Om.

GuruPournima 2011 shall be held on 16th of July at Shree Harigurugram.
Anybody & Everybody is WELCOME --- no matter what caste, creed, community, country, colour, race, religion, stage of life, gender etc. they belong to --- can come for the DIVINE Darshan of our Beloved ANIRUDDHA BAPU...& Feel & Stay BLESSED FOREVER.

*Please note : P. P. BAPU doesn’t accept any gifts may it be in any form like money, sweets, flowers, gift articles, precious metals, etc.

As HE has been telling us for so many years that HE only Expects and Accepts our Bhakti (Devotion), Prem (Love) and Seva (Service).