Monday 11 April 2011

Heart Drops - 3

"SPIRITUALITY" does not in any way imply apathy towards worldly affairs. It consists in never losing sight of the fact that life is an offering unto the Bhagavanta and every moment of our life is Open to HIM. It is therefore a way of life…a path that brings everlasting Joy & Peace 

"I am the one who SERVES all those who Love the Divine Principles and have Unshakable Faith in them" 

My friends, I am bought by the Two coins of PURITY and LOVE.. Any other currency CanNOT buy me....Really speaking, this Aniruddha’s ‘I’ is Only yours… It was never Mine and it will never Be Mine.. 

What is Book Keeping of GOD's ACCOUNT (Blessings) :-
   Count What HE has Given You;
   Dont Count what is Not Given,
  Count what You could have given HIM;
  Dont Count what U have given. 

Fear of the INEVITABLE alwayz stays in us either directly or indirectly...but I know..when HE is with Me...thres is NO Space for fear; near or dear..!
Whre thre is My ANIRUDDHA..thre is "NO FEAR".

To achieve PURE state of should Avoid the following things :-
i)   Comparing yourself with others in front of GOD.
ii)  Comparison between different GOD & GODDESSES.
iii) Comparison between GOD & SADGURU.
iv) Comparison between Yourself & SADGURU.

     In our sleep, many times..we get shaken up moved & confused maybe it was a dream we feel..but in reality its Our Ever Loving SADGURU hinting us that my child...ur not doing enough "PRAYERS" increase ur Devotion & get closer to HIM... -

When a Prayer asks for Strength that translates into Service and into Concern for faces we do not even know, when a Prayer is a constant connection as much with the Parmatma as with His other children, Prayer becomes an "OFFERING".

TRUTH is the Inseparable aspect & the Eternal Companion of the "DIVINE POWER" that generates POSITIVE, PURE & BLISSFUL Energy...forvever !!

FATE lövês the Fèärléss...only bcoz "HE IS".

As your FAITH is Strengthened you will find that
there is 'no longer the need to have' a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.

FAITH is the virtue by which, clinging-to the "FAITHFULNESS of GOD" we lean upon Him, so that we may obtain what HE gives to us.

Everyone has his own specific vocation or Mission in life; everyone must carry out a Concrete Assignment that demands Fulfilment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone’s task is Unique as his Specific Opportunity to Implement it.

All I have seen Teaches me to "Trust the CREATOR" for All I have NOT seen.

FAITH is to believe what "you" do not see; the Reward of this FAITH is to see what you believe.

HE who Has "FAITH" Inward RESERVOIR of Courage, Hope, Confidence, Calmness & assuring TRUST that All Will Come Out Well - even though to the World it may appear to come out Most Badly.

FAITH :- Take Pride in How Far You Have Come, Have Faith in How Far You Can Go.

Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible.

Religion is for those who are scared to go to hell.... "SPIRITUALITY" is for those who have already been there.

True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an "ACCEPTANCE" of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be...

FAITH is a Gift from GOD that He makes available to anyone who wants it...All u have to do to get it is, ask HIM !!!

Some stand on tiptoe trying to reach GOD to talk to HIM - you try too hard, friend - drop to your knees and Listen to HIM, He'll hear you better that way...

Life is a Gift, and it offers us the Privilege, Opportunity and Responsibility to give something back by doing your BEST for THE ONE who has given U..your Life 

I'll walk with My Bapu from this day on.
His Helping Hand I'll lean upon.
This is My Prayer, My Humble Plea,
May My Bapu be Ever with Me.
There is no Death, though eyes grow dim.
...There is no Fear, when I'm near to Him.
I'll lean on HIM forever
And He'll Forsake Me Never....108%...Shree Ram.
Pooja Abhishek Shah.