Saturday 2 April 2011

Heart Drops - 1

WHY ME !!!???!!!

Hari Om,

At some point of our lives…we all people must have thought about these two words “WHY ME” in our hearts & in our minds…when things don’t work out the way we want them to or as decided by us. Its human to do so as there is certain kind of Fear connected with the consequences arising from such an action.

Most people ask GOD only when they go thru a Low phase, but never when they go thru a High phase. Those times it is easily forgotten that my High phase is NOT all because of my own self but because of HIM….at those instants we don’t really care to ‘Thank HIM’ for giving me what HE has rather people crib that I could have got something better.  During the low phases, GOD is in fact blamed and the question is popped to HIM – “ WHY ME” which we don’t realise how it would hurt HIM.

I remember the day I had attended the Marathi Class (BBS) conducted by My Dear ANIRUDDHA BAPU [Dr. Aniruddhasinh Joshi] a couple of years back wherein HE spoke, that one should NEVER question GOD regarding W-H-Y such a ‘thing’ happened in my life. The reason HE said that firstly we as human beings ‘Dont have any Right to question GOD’ & secondly even ‘If HE gives an Answer we wont be able to heat It’. 

It was such a Beautiful Lesson of life coz the time we cease to question The Almighty that’s the time when HE knows that you are co-operating with HIM at all the times. It is so easy to question HIM about your loss but we forget that its Not HIM but your own karma / destiny which is the result of such an outcome. When a person has a SADGURU is his life there is a very silent yet a very ACTIVE force which is always there to Stand By You during those rough times. HE can’t Change but ALTER certain changes by which the person feels a lesser degree of pain.  My Beloved ANIRUDDHA BAPU my LORD has Always Been There for HIS innumerable Devotees even when they need HIM or Not. 

HE is ALWAYS THERE…Come what may !!!

The first time when I meet My BAPU in the August of 2003, it was something very very Special for me & my family….its easy to vocalise the same but to verbalize it is very difficult. I have grown up in Bombay but I never knew anything about my Param Pujya Sadguru Shree ANIRUDDHA BAPU till that day. The way we came to HIM is no less than a Miracle. Its was a Magnetic Experience. As HE says theres a Uchit Samay for everything.

The time I looked into HIS Divine Eyes…I knew HE is the One who has been there with me since the time immemorial. HE knew me before I had known HIM…My eyes saw HIM that day, but my Heart Felt HIM long before. The Pure AURA of my BAPU is so Celestial that one forgets everything except HIM. Those marvellous moments spent with HIM, the Divine Touch of HIS Lotus Feet was everything & more. I felt a direct connection to HIM…from Heart-to-Soul there was nothing more I wanted in my Life. HE is my GOD, my Sadguru, my Father & my Best Friend. There has been not a single moment where I have felt that I am alone. My GOD is With Me. 

When we have the Journey of Our Life on HIS Road…there can be obstacles because of our own Karmas but one thing is for Sure that HIS Love & Care is so much that one would never realize how we jumped the rock so effortlessly. There won’t be a single Devotee of HIS who was not experienced the Miracle of HIS Blessings in their day-to-day lives. We need to have an Unconditional COMMITMENT of Faith that whatever my BAPU does for me will be better than the Best. We try to scrutinize each and every episode of our Life and then try to find the right & wrongs in it which is not needed when BAPU is in the Control of your Life.  We have come empty handed & will go empty handed. All that is there, is all HIS and nothing mine then why should we worry & kill ourselves with the Fear. Let HIM be the Director of your life & eventually one will realise that the Final Cut of my Life is much Finer when compared to others. But again, in the process BAPU has always told that one should never compare yourself with others and be envious of the same coz ‘Every Devotee Stands in a Separate Line’ in front of HIM & there can be no way one can trespass that Line of Control as it is set by HIM without any form of discrimination. The more LOVE & DEVOTION you have in your HEART for HIM the more closer you will get to HIM.  

The Love of My ANIRUDDHA BAPU, NANDAAI & SUCHITDADA Is Everlasting, Immeasurable & PRICELESS. The Best Gift BAPU wants from HIS followers is only their HAPPINESS. HE doesn’t want any materialistic stuff from any of HIS devotees. HE has always maintained that HE is here Only to GIVE & SPREAD LOVE. It depends on Us how we want to Reciprocate the same.


Infinite lifetimes are also not sufficient to 'Thank HIM' for all that HE has done, is doing & will be doing for Our Well-being.

We Must be Willing to Let go of the Life we Have Planned, so as to Have the Life Which "GOD" [ANIRUDDHA BAPU] has Planned for Us...

A song for My BAPU….from my Heart Drops !!!